
Plastic Jar Can Also Become A Weapon To Kill Stray..


塑料罐也能变作杀死浪浪的凶器! 真的拜托大家不要不要乱丢罐子 🙏 Plastic jar can also become a weapon to kill strays. (eng version below)

这只被塑料罐套头的浪浪是个狗妈妈,身边还形影不离跟着一只两个月大的小宝贝 … 两天了,狗妈妈吃不到也喝不了,为了孩子却还是必须在街头努力撑下去。浪浪的母爱很伟大,但也让人心很痛

但狗狗是幸运的,因为当义工赶到时,不确定是不是有好心人帮忙,狗妈妈头上的罐子已经不在了,大幸啊感恩。罐子取下她终于解脱,还对着我们开心的笑 ❤


呼吁大家不要随意丢弃这样的塑料罐,更不要用这种罐子喂浪浪,一起把盖子盖紧然后送往回收吧! 🙏


就这样,可怜的狗狗完全无法进食和喝水,日子一久就会脱水死亡,而且因为套着罐子变得视力不佳,狗狗会变得更敏感和容易受惊吓,即使有人想帮忙拔罐子,它们一般都会仓皇逃跑,让人想帮也帮不了 …

如果罐子一直没被取下又要顾宝宝,狗妈妈该有多辛苦啊 😢 希望大家一起分享,不要再有更多的 “塑料罐浪浪” 了 🙏🙏


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Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai

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We urge everyone NOT to discard such uncovered plastic jar and never use this type of jar to feed the strays, please cover the jar and send it for recycling instead 🙏

This doggie with her head stucked in the plastic jar is a mother dog, and there is still a two-month-old baby keep sticking by her side … The mother dog couldn’t eat and drink for two days, but she still needs to stay strong to survive for the sake of her baby …

But she is fortunate, because when volunteer arrived, we are not sure if someone has helped her but the jar on her head is gone, phew! She felt so relieved and smiled at us happily.

The lady who’ve notified this incident to us has found an adopter for the puppy too, appreciate for her kindness ❤

We arranged the mother dog to send for neutering surgery.

The hungry strays will put their head into the jar in order to eat the food or water in the jar. After finish eating, they will be shocked to find that their head is stucked, but they have no ability to pull the jar out.

In this way, the poor dog no longer able to eat and drink, they will dehydrate and die after a period of time, and because of the poor vision, the dog will become more sensitive and easy to get frightened, even if someone wants to help pull out the jar, most of the dog will run off quickly.

Please help to share this out and stop having more “plastic jar strays”. 🙏

#HopeJbRescue #HopeJbNeuter

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To make each and every rescue possible, your support is truly essential for us in funding the expenses for our rescued furkids. Thanks a million. (Donation is tax deductible)

Maybank Account No.: 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai

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Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.156371867742360/249..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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