
Can You Imagine Driving With Vomit Smell In Your C..


Can you imagine driving with vomit smell in your car?

Well.. that happens to our volunteer drivers who bravely adventure on the tough roads to the shelter to bring the dogs out for adoption! 😅

And we are so grateful that they still come and pick up the dogs to give them chances to good homes.. even when accidents happen in the car.. puke, pee, poop.. you name it!!!

Today’s adoption drive is at The Square by Jaya One from 11am-4pm. There are puppies and adult dogs, including small sized adult dogs of about 10-12kgs. Beautiful souls awaiting their Furever families!

Please spread the word!! Today! 12th Jan!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/scasmalaysia/photos/a.4257278975204..



Second Chance

Second Chance is a group of like-minded animal lovers who met through the Internet when they read of Aunty Kiew's plight.

They do their very best to render help whenever time permits and within their limited capacities. They hope to find good homes for as many homeless animals as possible. Currently, there are 100+ animals rescued and fostered by this group.

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