
Hi. I Saw A Terrier Running Along The Grass Patch ..


hi.. I saw a terrier running along the grass patch yg kat tepi highway before toll skudai(menuju ke kl). I rasa ader org baru abandoned dia kot kat tepi jln tu and maybe dia tgh kejar kete tuan dia sbb tu dia berlari laju. I kat dlm bus coach jd I tk dpt nk bantu. hrp2 ader sesiapa yg dpt bantu anjing tu..kesian sgt.. I tgk kawasan tu mmg tkde perumahan jd tkkn la anjing sesat kot.. dia ader dlm area. kawasan perumah yg terdekat pun dah dekat dgn area toll. it took abt 5 mins from where I saw the dog for the bus I’m in to reach toll skudai..

hi.. I saw a terrier running along the grass patch yg kat tepi highway before toll skudai(menuju ke kl). I rasa ader org baru abandoned dia kot kat tepi jln tu and maybe dia tgh kejar kete tuan dia sbb tu dia berlari laju. I kat dlm bus coach jd I tk dpt nk bantu. hrp2 ader sesiapa yg dpt bantu anjing tu..kesian sgt.. I tgk kawasan tu mmg tkde perumahan jd tkkn la anjing sesat kot.. dia ader dlm area. kawasan perumah yg terdekat pun dah dekat dgn area toll. it took abt 5 mins from where I saw the dog for the bus I’m in to reach toll skudai..

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1055389556629568&set..



Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better is a canine welfare programme initiated by non-profit organisation Community Development and Integration Initiative (CDII).

MDDB's main activities revolve around rescuing dogs from the local council pounds as well as off the streets. Once they have been rescued, the dogs are vaccinated and neutered before being put up for adoption.

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