Dyk That Every Tiger Has Unique Stripes, Just Like..
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#DYK that every tiger has unique stripes, just like human fingerprints? Their stripe patterns not only help to distinguish them from other tigers but also aid in hunting prey effectively. How cool is that?
If you wish to support our conservation work to save the Malayan tiger, click here wwf.org.my/tiger for more information. Thank you.
#MalayanTiger #wwfmy #SaveOurTigers #SaveTheForest
#DYK that every tiger has unique stripes, just like human fingerprints? Their stripe patterns not only help to distinguish them from other tigers but also aid in hunting prey effectively. How cool is that?
If you wish to support our conservation work to save the Malayan tiger, click here wwf.org.my/tiger for more information. Thank you.
#MalayanTiger #wwfmy #SaveOurTigers #SaveTheForest
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=848179597352460&set=..
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