
It Is Really Sad Fpr Us To See Becca In This State..


It is really sad fpr us to see Becca in this state. She is one of longest as well as most loving residents. Becca was rescued near Gombak after she was knocked down by a vehicle. She was paralysed following the incident. We then found out that she belonged to an Orang Asli village located nearby. Please keep our Becca in ypur thoughts. If it is time for her to go – we pray that it will happen quickly..

Source: https://www.facebook.com/554197136748815/posts/8419713713047..



Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better is a canine welfare programme initiated by non-profit organisation Community Development and Integration Initiative (CDII).

MDDB's main activities revolve around rescuing dogs from the local council pounds as well as off the streets. Once they have been rescued, the dogs are vaccinated and neutered before being put up for adoption.

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