Dyk That Your Company Can Make A Positive Impact O..
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#DYK that your company can make a positive impact on nature conservation? Changes in corporate practice are essential if there is to be real progress in tackling conservation challenges like climate change, clean energy solutions and ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources.
As we plan for the New Year, seize the opportunity to inspire and educate your team to embrace greater environmental citizenship. Deepen your understanding of how sustainable development can go hand-in-hand with environmental conservation by participating in WWF-Malaysia’s educational employee engagement programme.
For more information, please email corporaterelations@wwf.org.my
#DYK that your company can make a positive impact on nature conservation? Changes in corporate practice are essential if there is to be real progress in tackling conservation challenges like climate change, clean energy solutions and ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources.
As we plan for the New Year, seize the opportunity to inspire and educate your team to embrace greater environmental citizenship. Deepen your understanding of how sustainable development can go hand-in-hand with environmental conservation by participating in WWF-Malaysia’s educational employee engagement programme.
For more information, please email corporaterelations@wwf.org.my
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=748760687294352&set=..
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