Continuing Our Look Back Through The 20-Year Histo..
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Continuing our look back through the 20-year history of Soi Dog, this week we go back to 2004 – a year of enormous challenges, both for the region and for Gill and John.
The month is September. Soi Dog’s spay/neuter efforts are gathering pace in Phuket. Since the beginning of the year, almost 1,000 further animals have been reached, and real inroads are being made into managing the stray population on the island.
Continuing to perform the role of dog catcher, Gill is out near a water buffalo field in an attempt to catch a tranquilised dog for neutering. It is the height of the monsoon season in southern Thailand, and there is an excess of water everywhere. Worried the dog is at risk of drowning, she wades through the flooded field and manages to retrieve him.
Soon after the incident, Gill falls ill. Doctors determine that she has contracted a rare form of septicaemia from contaminated water. She was airlifted to Bangkok where she was in a coma for several weeks. Doctors had given her only a slim chance of survival and advised that, if she did survive, she would likely lose both her arms and legs.
But they didn’t reckon on Gill’s fighting spirit, and although she was to lose both lower legs, she survived and was still able to use her arms.
Three weeks after having her legs amputated, Gill discharged herself from hospital and returned to Phuket on December 22nd, 2004, determined to enjoy Christmas at home. #SoiDog20Years 🧡
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