English Caption Below. 2010. 1,000 600. Rm35. 10 7..
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这种河龟只在柬埔寨、泰国南部和马来西亚发现。 它们极度濒危,在马来西亚,它们在 2010 年《野生动物保护法》中被列为完全受保护的物种。
今年,我们已经设法获得了 1,000 多枚河龟蛋。 其中,已经孵化了 600 多只幼龟!
如果您想象征性地领养一只河龟,您可以点击此链接 https://www.turtleconservationsociety.org.my/terrapin-adoption/。 每只收养费用为 RM35,您将收到一张电子证书和可抵税收据。
我们一年一度的河龟放生活动将于今年 10 月 7 日(星期六)举行,欢迎您前来甘马挽放生您收养的河龟!
It’s World Turtle Day today! And we’d like to highlight the freshwater turtle species that we’re working very hard to protect and conserve.
River terrapins are only found in Cambodia, southern Thailand and Malaysia. They are critically endangered, and in Malaysia, they are listed as a Totally Protected Species in the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010.
This year, we have managed to secure more than 1,000 river terrapin eggs. Of these, more than 600 hatchlings have hatched!
If you’d like to symbolically adopt a terrapin, please click here https://www.turtleconservationsociety.org.my/terrapin-adoption/ Each adoption costs RM35, and you will receive a digital certificate and tax-deductible receipt.
Our annual terrapin release event will be happening on Saturday, 7th October this year, and you are most welcome to come to Kemaman to release your adopted terrapin!
📸 Syafina, Vera D’Elisa Nieuwenhuis
Source: https://www.facebook.com/630503875784630/posts/6304796457870..
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