
From A Homeless Pup To A Princess In Her Own Littl..


From a homeless pup to a princess in her own little castle. This is Balko’s #furrytailending story 🏰

In 2020, a mother dog came to our shelter for sterilisation. She didn’t come alone. In tow were her six babies, including Balko. They were skittish and needed safety.

Once she was all grown up, Balko and two of her siblings were lucky enough to be chosen by our partner rescue The Barking Lot in San Diego, USA. From there, they were adopted into loving homes.

Balko was renamed Bailey by her new mum who shared this heartwarming update:

“Bailey has been with me a little over a year now and gets more trusting every day. She has come so far from being so skittish and hyper vigilant to coming up for head rubs and laying upside down on the couch. I remember when she first came home with me she would sleep sitting up, opening her eyes at every sound and almost falling over when she would doze. Now she sleeps on, what is now, her couch, laying flat on her side and recently even on her back with her legs up.

Bailey is so much better about walking on a leash and when I mention going on a walk she even goes and waits by the door patiently. She really is a good dog and surprises me some mornings waiting by my bedroom door quietly.

During the day she stares out the window and howls at anyone walking by which I consider a good watchdog. She also howls when she is sound asleep at times. She has 2.8% wolfiness in her. Since she is such a unique looking dog I had her DNA tested through Embark and she is 100% Southeast Asian street dog. She is unique in that she is very lanky, tall, barrel chested and runs like a greyhound, yet has spots similar to a Dalmatian. One day on a walk someone asked me if she was a Great Dane puppy!

Bailey does not play fetch, but oddly enough carries the ball running across the yard over and over. Bailey and my other cat Simba are not close yet, but they are starting to interact. They will go up to each other’s face and even chase each other around the furniture. I am so happy that I fell in love with her from watching your videos.❤️ My life is forever changed and I love it!”

Please consider adopting a soi dog like Balko. To them, your ordinary home is a luxurious castle! https://www.soidog.org/adopt-a-dog

Source: https://www.facebook.com/416170950540747/posts/6183816803196..



Soi Dog Foundation

Established in 2003 in Phuket, Thailand, Soi Dog is Southeast Asia's largest organisation helping stray animals. The Gill Dalley sanctuary in Phuket is home to over 1,600 animals. Soi Dog also has a treatment facility in Bangkok and responds to crisis situations throughout Thailand. The organisation is dedicated to implementing effective, sustainable solutions that reduce the suffering of dogs and cats in Asia, runs entirely on donations and works efficiently so all donations are used to help animals as effectively as possible.

The foundation is a registered not-for-profit organisation in Thailand, the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, France and Holland. It has a maximum 4-star rating with Charity Navigator, the largest and most-utilised independent non-profit evaluator in the United States, a platinum seal of transparency from Candid, the world’s largest source of non-profit information, a Top Rated award from Greatnonprofits and the Travelers’ Choice award from Tripadvisor.

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