
Remember The Doggo We Rescued Which Was Walking Ar..


Remember the doggo we rescued which was walking around with a huge lump on her side? We named her Marley and she will be going in for surgery at UPM with Malaysia’s only veterinary oncologist Dr Gaya.

Some instructions from Dr Gaya

1. Stand by 2 donor dogs to do blood cross match. Can do match at Gasing to see who is suitable.

2. Ask Gasing Vet to do echocardiography (heart scan)

3. Apply tick control from now.

4. A nurse will call with admission date. Before admission, no need to fast. The hospital will do tests and after that will fast Marley.

Surgery is major. Open chest and open abdomen, 9 to 13 ribs to be removed.


Source: https://www.facebook.com/554197136748815/posts/5793417475676..



Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better is a canine welfare programme initiated by non-profit organisation Community Development and Integration Initiative (CDII).

MDDB's main activities revolve around rescuing dogs from the local council pounds as well as off the streets. Once they have been rescued, the dogs are vaccinated and neutered before being put up for adoption.

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