
Eng. 11. Pet Expo Malaysia. 20118. Shorturl.at/knq..


(eng 👇🏻) 如果这边有人是园区超过十年的老粉,那你一定认识小强!

在园区住了整整11年的元老级狗前辈 ~ 小强哥 🐶

不知道还有朋友记得他吗 ❤️

小强会出席这个周末的新山 Pet Expo Malaysia 来当义工狗狗哟!

(抱歉,这么老了还要你外出奔波 🥺)




(小强的过往悲伤史: shorturl.at/knqO2)




坚强的生活着,身体也很硬朗,转眼已满脸白胡须,快满12岁了 ❤️

想当年他还只是个不到一岁的幼齿小宝宝呀 ( 遥望

作为园区的老前辈,小强对其他的狗晚辈臭脾气还是有的 😜


小强对人类却是来者不拒,非常友善黏人,只要叫他 『小强~』



记得来我们的摊位给小强爱的拥抱哦 🙋‍♀️



= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

想帮助小强和园区里救援的3,000多只毛孩,您能选择每月爱心助养它们 ❤ 因为每一只救进护生园的浪浪,如无人领养,将是我们10-15年的甜蜜负担 … 感恩谢谢您


了解每月助养 : https://bit.ly/3Ia4caN



If there’s anyone here who is an old fan of our shelter for more than ten years, then you must know Xiao Qiang!

He’s a senior dog who has lived in our shelter for 11 years🐶

Does anyone here remember him? ❤️

Xiao Qiang will be our volunteer dog at @Pet Expo Malaysia, JB this coming weekend!

During the rescue in August 2011, Xiao Qiang‘s rescue post attracted a lot of attention. He was being hit and run, struggling to survive on the streets with serious injuries for two weeks before being rescued.

(Xiao Qiang’s past sad history: shorturl.at/knqO2)

He was blind in one eye, and only had three feet left,

One of the front legs is also deformed and bent….

Although Xiao Qiang do not have a complete body, but his soul is always pure and cheerful.

He’s tough and healthy, and is almost 12 years old in a blink of an eye ❤️

As a senior in the shelter, Xiao Qiang has a bad temper towards other dog juniors 😜Although his size is much smaller than ordinary mongrel, but he never allow other dogs to bully him.

Xiao Qiang is always friendly and clingy to human beings, whenever we call his name, he’ll smile and wag his tail with joy, a superrr sweet boy.

If you’re coming to the Pet Expo Jb, remember to come to our booth to give Xiao Qiang a hug 🙋‍♀️

#OurBoothNumber 1113

Event details: shorturl.at/fjFQ5

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

If you wish to help Xiao Qiang and more than 3,000 rescued furkids in HOPE shelter, you can choose to be their monthly sponsor.

Because each life that we rescued back to shelter, it will be our 10-15 years sweet burden if they’re not being adopted … Thank you very much.

(Monthly Sponsorship is tax-deductible)

Learn more about the monthly sponsorship programme: https://bit.ly/3yKjUoP

(if you wish to monthly sponsor through online transaction, may kindly drop us a message to register, tqvm)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/5702301363149..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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