Our Sustainable Pepper Project With The Indigenous..
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Our sustainable pepper project with the indigenous community in Ulu Katibas, Sarawak, covers more than just introduction and implementation of good agricultural practices. The project also provides the community with skills to better manage their pepper farms and harvests. Recently, our team in Sarawak held a basic administrative course for farmers from Rumah Dagum and Rumah Peter. The participants came from a wide age group ranging from mid-20s to late 60s, had a field day picking up new skills. They hoped for more courses in the future, so they feel empowered to be better farmers and stewards of nature.
#TogetherForNature #TogetherPossible #ShapeOurFuture #CommunitiesInConservation #SustainablePepper #wwfmy #Sarawak #SarawakPepper #Pepper #SpiceForLife
Source: https://www.facebook.com/108100218241/posts/1016202966093324..
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