Look At The Animal In This Camera Trap Photo. Dont..
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Look at the animal in this camera trap photo. Don’t you think it is unique? 🤔 You can’t find any other mammals with scales from head to tail like the pangolins.
Pangolins have no teeth but they have long, sticky tongues for catching ants and termites. That tongue can reach a foot long. That’s the length of two MYR 10 notes. Isn’t that fascinating? 😲
Sadly, this tough-looking mammal is heavily and illegally hunted in the wild. 😥 Do you know? Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) are now classified as Critically Endangered under the IUCN Red List and are categorised as a Protected species in the Sarawak Wild Life Protection Ordinance 1998.
#EndangeredSpeciesDay #StopExtinction #SaveWildlife #Pangolins #SundaPangolins #Borneo #Sarawak #CameraTrap #Endangered #Wildlife
Look at the animal in this camera trap photo. Don’t you think it is unique? 🤔 You can’t find any other mammals with scales from head to tail like the pangolins.
Pangolins have no teeth but they have long, sticky tongues for catching ants and termites. That tongue can reach a foot long. That’s the length of two MYR 10 notes. Isn’t that fascinating? 😲
Sadly, this tough-looking mammal is heavily and illegally hunted in the wild. 😥 Do you know? Sunda pangolins (Manis javanica) are now classified as Critically Endangered under the IUCN Red List and are categorised as a Protected species in the Sarawak Wild Life Protection Ordinance 1998.
#EndangeredSpeciesDay #StopExtinction #SaveWildlife #Pangolins #SundaPangolins #Borneo #Sarawak #CameraTrap #Endangered #Wildlife
Source: https://www.facebook.com/wwfmy/photos/a.159457438241/1016182..
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