Eng Ver. 412 3000. _. 2-3. 4-51. The Daily Barf. _..
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先来大力感谢所有响应新年捐狗粮活动的善友们,今年共筹得412包狗粮 🥳 谢谢大家让我们顺顺度过今年新年,温饱了园区3000多只毛孩们的肚肚,感恩谢谢您们!
好人一生平安健康 ❤
在此也要特别感激 The Daily Barf 的爱心捐赠,新年前夕慷慨送了好多好多鲜食给园区狗狗们过年吃!都快塞满了我们的冰箱 🤩
谢谢每一位帮助浪浪的善友们 ❤️
我们的2月26慈善晚宴依旧热烈售票中 ~
想参与的朋友赶快行动购票了 ~~~
晚宴详情 :
We were so busy this CNY that didn’t even have time to post until today 🥲
First of all, we would like to express our utmost gratitude to all the kind donors who responded to our CNY dog food donation campaign.
This year, a total of 412 packs of dog food were raised. Thank you for feeding the belly of more than 3,000 rescued furries in our shelter this New Year. Thank you!
May love, luck and happiness always be with you guys ❤
There’s no rest day for us the whole year long, especially the CNY is the busiest time of the year. Because some volunteers return to their hometown for the New Year, the daily crazy heavy workload has to be carried by a small number of 2-3 people.
In addition to the rest of the veterinary clinic, all the severely ill cats and dogs that were hospitalized have to go back to the shelter to be taken care of by ourselves.
Usually, 4-5 volunteers feed the hundreds of street strays separately every night. But during CNY we can only manage to allocate 1 manpower to feed till midnight everyday. We were completely worn out.
We would like to express our special thanks to The Daily Barf for their loving donation. On New Year’s Eve, they generously sent so much of delicious barf to our shelter doggies! 🤩
The Daily Barf: https://www.facebook.com/thedailybarf/
Thank you to everyone who care for the homeless animals ❤️
Our February 26 Charity Dinner tickets are still on sale 🙋 70% tickets sold now! Friends who want to participate, hurry up and grab your tickets now ❤️
HOPE Charity Dinner details: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/4752407191472115/
Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/4883035398409..
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