
Warning Graphic Imagery. _. The Recent Strays That..


(血腥慎入) Warning : Graphic Imagery 🙏

最近帮助的浪浪,惨况真的都太虐心了 …..


明明几分钟前我们还没看到那条后巷有任何的浪猫,偏偏意外就发生在我们不在场时,想阻止也阻止不了 😫

志工看到大腹便便的猫妈妈头都被撞扁了… 已经当场断气


无奈医生做了超声波扫描,里面只有一只胎儿还有很微弱的心跳,其他都已胎死腹中,加上发育还不健全,即使剖腹取出也无法存活 ….

希望猫妈妈一家一路好走 😢 安息吧










#拜托了 🙏🏻





The recent strays that we helped their miserable situation is really too sad…..

As usual, we brought our shelter furries to visit the vet. When we were busy taking the dogs up and down the car at the back door of the vet clinic, we were shocked to see a pregnant female cat was being hit and killed in the middle of the back alley.

Obviously we haven’t seen any cats in the back alley a few minutes ago, but the accident happened when we were not present, and we couldn’t stop it 😫

The volunteers saw the poor mother cat’s head squashed… and she died on the spot.

But they still carried her into the clinic with a glimmer of hope, hoping that at least her babies in the stomach can be saved.

The vet did an ultrasound scan, but there was only one fetus who still had a very weak heartbeat. The others were died. In addition, the fetus was not fully developed yet, even if it were taken out by Caesarean section, it could not survive….

We hope this Mother Cat’s family will rest in peace … We have helped to do a proper burial for them.

Out of ten drivers, at least five people hold the thought that “It’s okay to just hit and kill an animal”! No matter how terribly small animals die on the roadside, or struggle miserably, they feel that nothing is wrong with that, this is too cold-blooded.

What goes around comes around.

We hope all drivers can please pay more attention to the small animals on the roadside.

The roads, traffic rules, vehicles, these are all created by humans, they are animals and of course they do not understand the rules of our human world.

Don’t feel that they deserve to die when they accidentally running out into the road, PLEASE BE A KIND HUMAN BEING.


#TogetherWeCanReduceTheirPopulationAndTragedies 🙏🏻


Support our work and rescued furkids, thanks a million 🙏👇


Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/4453827221330..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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