
Update On Baby Who Is Admitted At Gasing Vet. Baby..


Update on Baby who is admitted at Gasing Vet. Baby is having hypertension. Her bp is 199/113 (normal bp is 120/80) and the vet said she might have had mild stroke yesterday as she was walking in zigzag. The hypertension might be caused by the increased kidney value from 200 to 600. She is on drips now and on medications to bring down her bp. She is eating the food that was brought over. Please send positive vibes to our baby.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/64173243307/posts/10159504106493308..



Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better is a canine welfare programme initiated by non-profit organisation Community Development and Integration Initiative (CDII).

MDDB's main activities revolve around rescuing dogs from the local council pounds as well as off the streets. Once they have been rescued, the dogs are vaccinated and neutered before being put up for adoption.

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