Tq Eng Version. Jvckenwood Csr. Jvckenwoodrm1,500m..
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过去的周末有访客来,园区毛孩超暴动 ~ 😆🐱🐶
非常感激日本企业 JVCKENWOOD 前来探访,感谢他们在今年的企业社会责任项目 (CSR) 中选择了园区做为受惠对象之一 🙏
感谢JVCKENWOOD捐助了RM1,500还送进了不少的狗粮、猫粮,谢谢!在这边也特别感谢爱毛孩的Ms.Ng主动向公司提出了来园区服务的建议 😀 感谢穆斯林朋友们虽然怕狗,但仍鼓起勇气参与 ❤
在此也特别感谢周日进入园区采访的 Iskandar Malaysia Social Hero Awards 摄影师 (依斯干达社会英雄奖项,HOPE曾有幸荣获这座奖项)
🙏 特别感谢 Jeff & Inthira 捐助了园区毛孩RM3,000 (20/3)
🙏 特别感谢善心人士阿弥陀佛捐助了园区毛孩RM10,000 (20/3)
🙏 特别感谢Sri Dista Egg Supply And Trading的热心公益,长年护持着园区,每月捐助鸡蛋给毛孩们吃,谢谢老板娘
There were visitors in the past weekend, and the furkids in the shelter were super excited 😆🐱🐶
We’re very grateful to the Japanese company JVCKENWOOD for visiting and thanking them for choosing HOPE as one of the beneficiaries in this year’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program (CSR) 🙏
Thank you JVCKENWOOD for donating RM1,500 and a lot of dog food and cat food. Thank you! We’re also very grateful to Ms.Ng, the dog lover for taking the initiative to propose to the company to serve in our shelter 😀 Thank you to the Muslim friends for taking the courage to participate even though they are afraid of dogs ❤
We hope that more companies’ CSR program can also choose to serve the animal rescue organizations, so that more people can not only understand strays’ problems in depth and create awareness, but also can benefit the homeless animals.
Special thanks to the Iskandar Malaysia Social Hero Awards (IMSHA) videographer who entered the shelter on Sunday to interview (HOPE was honored to get this award years back)
❤ Special thanks to Jeff & Inthira for donating RM3,000 (20/3)
❤ Special thanks to the kind donor Amitabha who donated RM10,000 to the shelter furkids (20/3)
❤ Special thanks to Sri Dista Egg Supply And Trading for supporting HOPE all year long and donating eggs to the furkids every month
The huge expenses in HOPE shelter has survived every day with every love and strength, we’re truly grateful to everyone! 🙏❤✨🐶🐱
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/385..
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