It Once Had A Home. This Is A Rescued Puppy, It Ha..
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This is a rescued puppy, it has been sent to the vet (Chemor, Perak) by volunteeers.
The vet said that its a mixed shepherd breed, around 2 years old. It has a light blue collar around its neck.
这是被义工拯救的小狗,己被送医治疗。(地点:霹雳州珠宝 Chemor)
For the owner looking for their lost puppy, please contact ISPCA 016-5506915
牠身上有一条浅蓝色的颈带,谁遗失宠物可联络ISPCA 0165506915
目前狗狗在ISPCA 庇护所
The puppy is currently at ISPCA Shelter.
#ispca #TNR
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