Flying 10582 Km, The Story That Changed Its Fate. ..
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[Flying 10582 km, the story that changed its fate]
[飞行 10582 km 改变牠命运的故事]
This stray was rescued by Elaine, a volunteer in Seremban, when it was three or four months old with a crippled front foot. At that time, a Malaysian businesswoman Ms Long, who had settled in Manchester (U.K.) learned about this poor little furry boi (via the Internet). After the situation of the dog, she decided to adopt it and name it Lucky.
Elaine then entrusted this furry boi to ISPCA to help handle the documents for immigration to the UK. However, due to the COVID-19 MCO situation, this doggy could not be officially approved to fly to the UK from March to August.
牠是被芙蓉动物义工 Elaine 拯救回来的三,四个月大前脚有残缺的小浪,当时候有位已定居在(英国)曼徹斯特的大马女商人 Ms Long (透过网络)了解这可怜的小瓜情况之后打算领养牠,并为牠取名 Lucky.
Elaine 隨后把这小瓜交托我们 ISPCA 帮忙牠办理移民英国的手续文件工作,谁知 因 covid-19 MCO 的关系,这小瓜从3月份—直到8月份才能正式批准飞往英国.
Today, this little boi Lucky is just like its name, lucky to have a mother who loves him. From then on, he will live a happy life without wandering.
今天这小瓜 Lucky 如牠名字—样,幸运的有— 个爱牠的主人,从此过着幸福的日子,不必再流浪.
Special thanks to / 特别感谢 :
O My Dog Pet House and Pet at Home Enterprise
China Press Exclusive Interview (with video) 中国报独家报导(内有视频) :
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