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Happy Tales Bluebell. Bluebell Was Adopted From Sp..




Bluebell was adopted from SPCA in November 2019. We saw her smiling in a photo and knew we had to meet her. Turns out, she was just as cheerful as her photo suggested! Her favourite toy now is her frisbee. Her favourite place to sit is on the sofa, watching birds in the trees. She likes boiled eggs as a special treat and tiny squares of cheese when she’s been very good. She’s not a fan of bin bags or wheelie bins. She also dislikes having baths; once she’s dried off and out of the bathroom, she’ll run around to celebrate it’s over.


She changed our lives dramatically. We now organise our day around walks, toilet breaks, dog training, and dog-friendly restaurants. On weekends, we search for activities she might enjoy, like going to the beach or the dog park. We’re also getting to know our dog-owning neighbours better. Before the circuit breaker, a dog walker would take Bluebell out at lunchtime with some doggie friends and send us videos and photos of her adventures. When we’re home in the evening after work, we’d go on another walk. We also have a camera in her sleeping area, so we can keep an eye on her and speak to her.


Some days can feel overwhelming. But there are wonderful, supportive Facebook groups like Singapore Specials Club or 30 Day Perfect Pup with Zak George, where you can find tips and encouragement. There are also days when you and your puppy are enjoying the rain storm, or you see them running to you with ears and tongue flapping, and you don’t mind that much about the poop. As she gets older, things get easier. It’s a real privilege to communicate with her, discover her likes and dislikes, and watch her explore the world.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/spcasingapore/photos/a.101520126853..



SPCA Singapore

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA Singapore) is the first registered animal welfare organisation in Singapore. The two main objectives of SPCA Singapore are: to promote kindness to animals and birds, and to prevent cruelty to animals and birds.

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