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Rescuing street dogs and giving them a second chance in life is the biggest challenge anyone can undertake.
We know because we have been doing it for the past 12 years and have faced all kinds of obstacles and buffers.
First and foremost, there is so much intolerance for these poor creatures within the society we live in.
People do not understand or want to acknowledge that these animals have landed on the streets because of human selfishness and ignorance.
One of the core reasons is the refusal to neuter or spay pets and then dumping unwanted puppies onto the streets.
Some have become feral dogs that keep away from humans whilst some have become free-spirited street dogs.
If not for animal rescuers, all these dogs would live a terrifying existence of being hunted down and subjugated to tortuous deaths.
Not that this is not happening now, but at least those that are rescued are spared from this horrendous ending.
Rescuers and rescue groups also face the big challenge of not receiving any support from the local or state authorities or even elected representatives.
In 2011, a young woman was caught stomping a few kittens to death and taunting the mother cat while doing it.
Everything was caught on CCTV and the culprit walked away with a mere RM400 fine after admitting guilt when charged.
However, the irony was that when the media was highlighting the kitten’s killer sordid deed, an elected representative organized a press conference which the kitten killer attended.
Instead of admonishing the cruel and evil young woman, the elected representative defended her and told the media a story that the woman’s parents were divorced and therefore she was stressed out.
Could her parents divorcing be made an excuse for her to stomp the poor defenseless kittens to death in front of their traumatized mother?
Then in 2012, a group of rescuers were conducting TNRM in Seri Kembangan.
They brought in street dogs from the area and treated them before neutering them and releasing the dogs back to their original places.
The neighbours were supportive of them except for one man with connections.
This man went with his complaint to his elected representative’s office and all the Yang Berhormat had to do was to call the local council of the area and refer the case to them.
What transpired after that was the house being stormed by the local council enforcement unit with police escort. (SEE PIX)
The gates were cut down and the dogs seized.
Not long ago in Penang, when there were a few cases of rabies, hundreds of dogs were put down by the state government even though they were vaccinated and had people taking care of them.
The please made by the Penang rescues and rescue groups fell onto deaf ears.
The state government continued to execute these pitiful animals even though there was an offer from an international NGO to vaccinate all the street dogs in Penang for free.
Recently, we too faced a similar problem when a complainant went to the elected representative’s office.
What followed was a staff from the elected representative’s office bringing the complaint to the Petaling Jaya City Hall’s attention which resulted a notice being issued to us.
We were there for seven years with no complaints until this happened.
We went to see the complainant and told them that we would be moving and told the MBPJ the same – then the MCO happened.
What followed was more pressure from the elected representative’s office.
Elected representatives must always take the middle ground and help solve issues instead of favouring one side and exerting pressure on the other side.
For this particular elected representative, rescuing street dogs may seem to be a worthless activity.
And the people doing it may also appear to be losers who are worth very little.
Regardless of what these elected representatives think and feel, we will continue giving the voiceless a second chance.
Our fervent hope is that people will learn to live with these animals and not regard them as useless trash.
Coming back to us, we are desperately trying to complete the renovations in our new place to be able to move in by the end of June.
Our biggest fear is being ambushed and our dogs – which are mostly senior and disabled dogs – be taken away forcibly.
If this happens, the elected representative may earn a few cookie points from some of her supporters but for us it would be the biggest tragedy to ever have happened.
If you are able to, please help us finish our renovations as soon as possible so that we can move by the end of June.
Our dogs and everyone in MDDB would be eternally grateful.
If you can help please do so by transferring any amount directly to our contractor and posting the transaction slip here or WhatsApping it to 0122501497. Thanking you in advance. Herewith the details:
Perniagaan Marmar Dan Jubin Weng Seng
Hong Leong Bank Account No:
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