
Feeding Little Minnie


Little Minnie is a small grey cat in our neighbourhood.  I’ve seen her around quite a bit and she comes from the houses down the road. So I always thought she stays in one of those houses.

A neighbour informed me two days ago the he saw Minnie (name given by me) clutching a piece of chicken in her mouth on the road.

So this morning, I kept a lookout for Minnie while I was doing taiji in the porch. A little tortoiseshell came to say hello. I’ve seen her around too. So I quickly went in to get some food, but by the time I came out, Trixie had gone to the neighbour’s house. I waited and she did not appear.

Later, Minnie appeared! Again I rushed in to get some food. Now, since all our cats converted to 100% raw, I don’t have any kibble or canned food anymore. I only have Primal, Coco&Joe’s and Cubgrub. I figured if Minnie is a street cat, she probably would still have her feral instincts and ought to be able to eat Coco&Joe’s.

So I took out half a tub of Coco&Joe’s and put a chunk into a bowl, just outside the gate. Of course Minnie ran away. I went back to my front door to give her space.

Then, Minnie came back and started eating.

I was afraid she might find Coco&Joe’s “strange” if she’s been fed a kibble diet, but thankfully, there was absolutely no hesitation at all. She gobbled it up.

Good. She knows what’s good for her. Raw power!

So I kept adding chunk by chunk.

Then, I moved the bowl into the house, in front of the gate. Minnie hesitated for a second, but I guess hunger made her dare to come in.

In between, she would take a chunk out to eat.

Next I added a water bowl. The weather has been so incredibly hot for everyone.

I figured even if she did not drink, Coco&Joe’s is raw food and already has water. Minnie was puzzled over the bowl of water at first and eyed it with caution.

Then, she came in and ate more of the raw food.

I finally left her alone with the two bowls, after knowing she had eaten more than enough for a cat her size for the day. She finished the half tub of Coco&Joe’s, which would be about 130g or so. I was careful not to overfeed her as the food is probably new to her system. She’s a very small-sized cat too. Smaller than any of our cats.

Later, I went back out to collect the bowls and noticed that she had also drunk some water.

I’ll see if I can feed her and Trixie tomorrow. Will wait for them inside my gate.

Luckily Coco&Joe’s is doing home delivery so I can order more in anticipation of feeding both of them. And maybe more.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2020/04/02/feeding-little-minnie/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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