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Eng Version Below. Stay At Home. L. Maybank 5012-0..


(eng version below)

还能活着 … 真好!

脊椎断裂、半身瘫痪,但非常坚强乐观的浪浪天佑,他已经出院回园区了 👏🐶

区区两个礼拜的时间,转变也太大了 😲 ( 变好可爱 😍



无论是救活天佑的兽医团队,或现在在医院抢救人命的医护人员,你们都是最棒的,辛苦了,致敬! 👍👍👍👍👍

🐶 天佑也要呼吁大家 : 拜托我的人类朋友们,大家就和我一样,乖乖的STAY AT HOME吧!

出院看到外头的阳光 🔆 感觉他心情大好,没错 … 能活着就是希望,希望他的坚定和开朗,能小小抚慰人们现在的不安

很多脊椎断裂的狗狗即使尝试了很多办法,最终都还是终身瘫痪 …

天佑的治疗之路还很长,但它至少不再孤独绝望的在桥底倒数生命了,园区有很多爱和温暖 💕

为它祈福打气吧,也为园区里日复一日、劳心劳力,照顾那么多瘫痪狗狗的工友和职工说声,大家辛苦了 🙏

你毁坏生命就那么一秒,我们维护生命却要耗上十几年 … #不爱也请勿伤害

瘫痪狗狗是甜蜜又沉重的负担 … 因为它们的开销比普通狗狗来得庞大,大量的尿垫、营养补助品、复健治疗、气垫床、给它们吃比较优质的狗粮、罐头等等等,想【每月助养】天佑或帮忙它的朋友,可参考以下方式 ~👇🏻

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一份帮助 l 一个希望,感恩


Maybank 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai



或 成为HOPE每月希望助养人


或 游览HOPE义卖商铺购买小商品,盈利都将帮助毛小孩 🙏



Incredible change in just two weeks’ time!

Rescued hit and run victim – Tian You was discharged from vet clinic and he seems to be saying … “It’s good to be alive!” With spinal fracture and paralysis, but he’s still very strong and optimistic.

When he was discharged from the hospital, he saw the sunshine outside 🔆 We feel that he is in a good mood. Where there’s life, there’s hope. We hope that his strong will and optimism will soothe everyone’s anxiety now.

Many dogs with broken spine are paralyzed for whole life even if tried many treatmemt ways … Tianyou’s treatment is still a long way to go, but fortunately he is no longer alone and desperate, counting down his clock of life at the bottom of the bridge. There will be a lot of love and warmth in the shelter 💕

Let’s pray and cheer for Tianyou, and for the workers and volunteers who care for so many paralyzed dogs day after day in HOPE shelter, appreciate so much for their efforts 🙏

It takes only one second to destroy others’ life, but it takes many years for us to heal and take care of them … Don’t hurt even if you don’t love homeless animals!

Paralyzed dogs are a sweet and heavy burden … Because their expenses are much greater than ordinary dogs, they need a lot of pee pads, nutritional supplements, rehabilitation treatments, air beds, better quality of dog food, canned food & etc.

If you wish to be a month sponsor of Tianyou or help him together, please refer to the following methods👇🏻

[Little black stray found miraculously paralyzed at the bottom of the bridge] https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2829971203715733&id=134246123288268

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To make each and every rescue possible, your support is truly essential for us in funding the expenses for our rescued furkids. Thanks a million. (Donation is tax deductible)

Maybank Account No.: 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai

Or Make online donation at our Shopee store: shopee.com.my/hopepetshelter.os

Or Follow the link to be our Monthly Sponsor: https://goo.gl/AJ6BuR

Or Visit our FB Charity Sales Shop, all the sales profit goes to homeless animals:🙏



Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.156371867742360/285..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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