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又渴又饿的浪浪应该很疑惑 … 人类都去哪里了? 以前勉强还找的到吃的地方,现在却没人没水没食物 😢

在安全的情况下,希望大家一起帮浪浪撑过这个难关! 🙏 分工合作照顾各自社区的流浪猫狗

1. 在家门前放置水和食物,让路过的浪浪能温饱解渴

2. 有外出时候带口罩、随身携带狗粮猫粮、水和容器,行个顺手爱心

#喂食浪浪不会接触到人群,你不需要走的太远,家的上一条街、下一条街,或附近的商街、工业区,喂食 -> 清理 -> 清洗和消毒手 -> 回家,如果每个人都愿意这样做,浪浪们就不会饿惨了 … (记得清理干净才离开避免被人投诉噢!

我们也收到运输公司通知,运输服务明天开始暂停,无法从KL供应商那边运送狗粮下来,园区的粮食只撑得到刚刚好两个礼拜 …. 很多兽医诊所也暂停接收结扎手术、浪浪在外又个个饿肚子,情况堪忧


为了自己、家人、其他的生命、我们的家园,还有站在前线、有家回不得的医护人员,拜托了 🙏







Within these two weeks of restricted movement period, the homeless animals will live hungrier and harder.

The thirsty and hungry strays should be very puzzled … Where have all human beings gone? The places they used to find food, now there’s no one, no water and no food. 😢

We urge everyone to help the strays to survive this difficulty time 🙏

1. Put water and food in front of your house for the passing strays.

2. Wear a mask when you’re out and bring along sufficient dog ​food, cat food and water with you to feed them.

Feeding the strays doesn’t make you contact with crowd. You don’t need to go far, feed the strays near to your community, if everyone is willing to do so, the strays will not suffer from starvation.

Feed -> Clean -> Wash and sanitize your hand -> Go home. (Please REMEMBER to clean up before leaving to avoid being complained.)

We received a notice from cooperative transportation company that the transportation service will be stopped by tomorrow. It is not possible to transport dog food from our KL supplier until end of March. The food in our shelter now can only last for just two weeks’ time …

Many veterinary clinics have also stopped taking in neutering surgery, the overall situation is not good.

We can’t afford the extension of the movement control period. Please don’t be stubborn my friends, DON’T gather in groups or travel to other states.

For your own sake, for your family, other lives, the whole society, and the medical staff who are on the front line but cannot return home, please adhere to the movement control order 🙏





Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/285..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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