
Indy’s (expected) News


Indy is back to having soft stools again.

Sigh….so what’s new?

But to be fair, there was a piece of firm stool and a patch of soft stools which I discovered in the sandpit this morning at 5am.  His last defecation was two days ago, so it’s actually been about 36 hours.

He also doesn’t feel like eating, but he’s definitely not weak or lethargic. He’s just too busy zooming around playing all over Bunny’s Place.

I have to coax him to eat and if lucky, he would only eat half of his food and then, he runs off to play again.

His weight is maintained at 5.6kg.

The only thing he willingly eats/drinks is the bone broth. So far, he still likes this.

Otherwise, he is too busy playing and jumping up and down chairs and shelves.

Eat? WHO has time to eat??

Trying to pick a fight with Bunny….

There are three spectators.
Oh, we have a family portrait! Everyone is in the photo!

I have consulted the vet to see if we should stop the steroids. I do know that steroids is supposed to enhance appetite, but Indy is weird so could it have the opposite effect on him instead?

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/11/23/indys-expected-news/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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