
Heidi’s Mishap


I owe you the story about why Heidi was eating raw chicken fillet today instead of her usual Cubgrub.

What happened was, last night, I made a fresh pot of bone broth and I deboned the chicken carcass after that. So there was some cooked meat which Ginger and Heidi absolutely love. I asked at the raw feeding FB group if the cooked meat can be fed to the cats and was told there was no harm in doing so although it is probably not very nutritious anymore since all the nutrients have already leached into the broth.

I thought there was no harm in giving the cooked meat to Ginger and Heidi as a snack so I did that.

Ginger was completely okay.

But not Heidi.

This morning, Heidi did not want to eat her usual food. I think she had a tummy upset and soon, began vomiting bile. Many times, too.

From what I’ve read, in cooked meat, a lot of digestive enzymes have already been destroyed by the heat, so cooked meat is harder to digest than raw meat. Maybe that is why Heidi vomited and did not feel well.

This might be also why previously when all the cats were on the rojak diet of kibble, canned and raw, they vomited often. Throwing up bile, undigested food (unchewed kibble, for eg) was a very, very common occurrence in our cat household. But ever since we switched to 100%, all this stopped.

It must be about the digestion. Feeding different types of food confuses the digestive system and this might result in vomiting.

So, anyway, much later, Heidi came to the kitchen to ask for food. I offered Cubgrub but she did not feel well enough to eat that yet, so she asked for raw chicken. It looks like they just know what they need.

So, Heidi has been eating raw chicken and bone broth for today. I hope she feels better tomorrow.

No more cooked meat for Heidi.

Maybe I should not give it to Ginger either.

Feel better soon, Heidi. So very sorry I gave you cooked meat.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/11/14/heidis-mishap/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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