Eng Version Below. 180.? "". 5milkshake. Milkshake..
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『为什么我眼睛睁不开,我失明了吗 … 全身都好痛、好痛! 』 (eng version below)
狗狗只能绝望的盲目游走,相信是这样而遇到了可怕的车祸 … 右手整个180度扭曲、被压扁,当下一定很痛! 小小年纪的它,却努力撑到了被人看见的那一天 😢
狠心司机弃它不顾, 倒在空地接近一个礼拜,变得骨瘦如柴,狗狗才被学院学生发现,但当地兽医竟拒绝治疗 😨 辗转下,历尽千辛万苦,可怜的小毛孩来到了我们手上
因为区区皮肤病而导致车祸、终身残疾,我们心疼的一直在想,如果当初有人能及时买药给狗狗吃、治疗它的皮肤病,它的命运是不是就不一样了…? 可惜生命没有”如果”。
这只只有5个月大的小公狗,我们叫他Milkshake (奶昔),已经马上吃药治疗,但截肢需要等健康比较好后,才能动手术。
有发现浪浪皮肤病或身体不对劲,我们乞求大家及时伸出援手,可以做最基本的原地喂药,漠视也是一种伤害 … 不要让遗憾痛心的事一再发生
/ 感谢学生们和昔加末Super Pet的老板老板娘,期间喂食救济Milkshake,还把它载到了半途给我们 🙏
* * * * 一起帮Milkshake * * * *
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Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
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“Why can’t I open my eyes, am I getting blind?… My whole body is sore and painful!”
The little stray from Segamat has a very serious Demodex skin disease, his whole face is inflamed, swollen, bleeding, and his eyelids are swollen and unable to open, and there is no way for him to see the road ahead.
He can only blindly walked, we believed that he met a terrible car accident after that…His right hand is twisted and squashed 180 degrees, it was so PAINFUL! At such a young age, we can’t imagine how he moved through the pain.
The driver hit and run. This poor puppy collapsed on a vacant land for nearly a week, and was getting very skinny. Finally, he was discovered by some college students, but the local vet clinic refused to treat him. 😨
After so much of efforts, this puppy finally
arrived in JB to receive treatment.
Because of a curable skin disease, that causes the car accident and lifelong disability, we just can’t stop thinking… if there’s someone who is kind enough to bought him some medicine in earlier stage, will its fate be different…?
Unfortunately, life has no Take 2.
This little male dog, which is only 5 months old, we named him Milkshake, who has taken medicine immediately to treat his skin diseases, but the amputation surgery needs to wait for his health to be stable to operate.
If you found a stray with skin problem or sick, we hope everyone can lend your helping hand in time, you can at least buy some medicine to feed them to prevent the sickness from deteriorating any further.
/ Thanks to the college students and the owner of the Super Pet shop, Segamat, who took care, rescued Milkshake, and sent him to us 🙏 #HopeJbRescue
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To make each and every rescue possible, your support is truly essential for us in funding the expenses for our rescued furkids. Thanks a million. (Donation is tax deductible)
Maybank Account No.: 5012-0808-5710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
Or Make online donation at our Shopee store: shopee.com.my/hopepetshelter.os
Or Follow the link to be our Monthly Sponsor: https://goo.gl/AJ6BuR
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Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/257..
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