Dog Meat Selling In Msiaeng Version Below. Broga "..
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Dog meat selling in Msia😡😡(eng version below)
森美兰Broga一间野味餐馆被揭偷卖狗肉长达两年! 😭😭 以代号 “三六” 称呼狗肉让顾客点菜 (三六等于九,福建话里和狗同音) (原帖里有语音证据)
原帖 –
店主时常半夜偷抓和杀狗😭,附近居民多次举报可是他们却依然顾我 😡😡
当事人说,去到时好几只狗狗被关在餐厅后的笼子里,本来应该活蹦乱跳的小狗狗,在笼子里的它们却一直发抖、眼神哀伤无助…. 无奈再回去时已看不到有狗了
不要马来西亚成为贩卖狗肉的国家! 帖子有他们的地址电话,希望大家一起发声/行动施压,虽然目前法律上不犯法,可是不犯法不代表这个行为能被包容和接受!
/ 生命没有不同,长年吃素的我们也想呼吁大家少吃一餐肉,就少一份需求、少一份杀害 🙏
A restaurant in Broga, Negeri Sembilan sells dog meat secretly for two years! even with a special code for customer to order 😡😡 (the party involved ask for our help to share too)
The shop owner often steals and culls dogs in the middle of night, and nearby residents report it many times, but they don’t care about it at all.
When the netizen arrived, a lot of dogs were kept in the cage behind the restaurant. The puppies that should be active and naughty, instead they were trembling in cage, their eyes were sad and helpless, unfortunaly they couldn’t see those dogs again when their 2nd trip back.
We don’t want Malaysia to be a country that sells dog meat! Hope everyone can help to speak out (there’s add and phone no. in the post), although dog meat consumption is not illegal, but it doesn’t mean that this behavior can be tolerated and accepted.
/All lives are equal, as a Vegetarian, we encourage all to choose a plant-based diet to save more lives 🙏
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