Town Council Catching Stray Dogs Again. Today, The..
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Town Council catching stray dogs again 】
Today, the town council and ISPCA went to Menglembu industrial area to work hand in hand with the volunteers and companies there to capture the strays, send them to the vet for neutering, and release them back to where they come from.
This is ISPCA and MBI’s plan: to trap, neuter and release the stray dogs, also known as TNR(M) Program.
Thanks to citizens for donating RM1000/RM200 as neuter fees for the strays.
ISPCA and MBI has been undergoing the TNR(M) Program for two years, and more than 1700 strays were neutered and microchipped under our record.
Stray dogs wandering around has been a major problem for citizens, and the town council and animal welfare groups couldn’t solve this problem effectively, but for the past two years, with the support and aid from volunteers and citizens, TNR(M) Program has statistically proven that the number of strays are under control in some areas of Ipoh.
ISPCA hope that more volunteers and animal welfare group can join our TNR(M) Program, and together we can help create a better world for the strays.
今天怡保市政厅执法组 (MBI)和怡保防止虐待动物协会 (ISPCA) 一同出发到万里望工业区联合当地义工和商户一起扑捉当地的流浪狗,然后送去兽医所结扎之后再回放原地。
这是 ISPCA 和怡保市政厅执法单位一直推行的诱捕,节育,回放 (TNRM)流浪狗计划。
感谢市民 Stephanie 捐款 RM1000 和一位善长仁翁捐款 RM200 做为这批流浪狗狗的结育费用。
ISPCA 和市政厅合作的TNR(M)计划已经推行2年,超过 1700只流浪动物被结育及注植晶片(记录)。
流浪狗一直是困扰市民的问题,也是市政厅和动物团体无法有效处理的问题,但近这两年里,此 TNRM 计划在得到市民和义工的帮助与支持下,已经有数据显示怡保市某些住宅区已经控制了流浪狗數量。
ISPCA 也呼吁更多义工或动物团队加入我们 TNRM 计划的行列,帮助更多流浪动物为牠们打造一个属于牠们的【小浪乌托邦】。
TNR(M) 计划:
1) 诱扑流浪动物
2) 送往指定兽医疗所
3) 为牠进行结育手术后,耳朵剪小記号
4) 为牠配带 ISPCA 颈帶和号牌
5) 回放原地继续喂养,市政厅不再扑捉牠
ISPCA hopes that more volunteers can help out.
Donation to ISPCA is Tax Exempted /
Public Bank ~ 3060433821
cheques must be issued to / 支票请注名 :
” the ipoh society for the prevention of cruelty to animals”
#ispca #TNR
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