Langkawidog Abuse Case Happened Today In Langkawi...
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天啊今天发生在Langkawi的狗狗被箭射杀虐待案,停止动物虐待!Dog abuse case happened today in Langkawi. STOP ANIMAL ABUSE! (eng version below)
最新消息: 当地警方已介入调查
目击者希望你勇于站出或提供证据 (发生在Nagoya, Kuah Town),虐待动物违反2015年动物法令,滥用危险武器也属犯法。
狗狗死的好惨…. #人性到底去了哪里
希望案子能被彻查、揪出变态凶手,还狗狗一个公道,安息孩子 😢
/不爱但也不需要伤害! 虐待动物者將面对最低2万令吉及最高10万令吉的罚款,或最高监禁3年或两者兼施。
The latest news: The police have intervened in the investigation.
Witnesses hope that you will be brave enough to step out or provide evidence (happened in Nagoya, Kuah Town). Animal abuse is a violation of the 2015 Animal Act and use of dangerous weapon is also illegal.
Dog owner, where are you?
The dog died horribly! #WhereIsTheHumanity?
Hope that the case can be thoroughly investigated and find out the murderer. RIP furkid…
/ Please DON’T hurt them even if you don’t love them. Animal abusers will face a fine of RM20,000 and up to RM100,000, or a maximum imprisonment of 3 years or both.
/ Also, please don’t let your dog roam free! Dog is equal to a 6-year-old children. Will you let your child wander on the street?
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