Photographer Robin Pederson Brazill Shared A Serie..
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Photographer Robin Pederson Brazill shared a series of photography about his daughter Raven and their pet dog Jack titled “The Story of Raven and Jack”. Every photo is taken at the same window in their house, but the little girl and her furry friend dresses up in different themes for each photo. The series records their innocent and precious friendship.
Jack came from an adoption shelter, and according to Robin’s first impression, Jack would pretended it had an injured paw to attract attention from the family. When Robin carried him up and put him down, Jack’s sorrow leaked from its eyes and it touched their hearts, so they decided to bring him home.
To Robin, Jack is their good child, their daughter’s best friend, and also an important member of their family.
Here are some of the photos from “The Story of Raven and Jack”:
攝影師 Robin Pederson Brazill 早前分享了一輯為她的女兒 Raven 和狗狗 Jack 拍攝的寫真作品「The Story of Raven and Jack」,每張照片都在家中同一個窗戶前拍攝,但女兒和狗狗卻會穿上不同主題的打扮,玩著不同遊戲,記錄了他們的純真友誼。
狗狗 Jack 來自領養中心,攝影師憶述第一次見到 Jack 的情境,Jack 起初假裝自己有一條腿是傷殘的,吸引了攝影師和家人的注意,攝影師抱起 Jack 再將牠放回地上之後,Jack 的眼裡流露傷心的眼神,令攝影師覺得不能留下牠在領養中心,於是就決定帶牠回家了。
攝影師表示,Jack 是她的孩子,是女兒的好朋友,也是他們家庭裡的重要一員,日後會繼續為狗狗拍攝更多照片。
以下是「The Story of Raven and Jack」系列的部份作品,感覺有點像童裝廣告呢:
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