Eng Version Below. Uncle Vincent Kloku. Pet World...
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可爱乐天的 Uncle Vincent 是KL区的独立爱心爸爸,他是位OKU左眼视障人士,行动不方便需要提拐杖,但在夜市卖气球,以微薄收入坚持每天喂食和救援浪浪。
几乎每年Pet World他都会来找我们,每次谈到街头浪浪和他自己的生活困境都会眼眶泛红,不帮心里难受,帮了生活又难过 ….
在HOPE状况比较有改善后,去年开始我们咬牙决定固定提供一些狗粮给Uncle Vincent喂浪浪,近期也将提供他结扎津贴
目前我们固定提供支援的爱心爸爸和妈妈共有五位 (4位新山1位吉隆玻),Uncle Vincent是其中一位,因为帮他们,也等于帮浪浪。
KL朋友们,如果你遇到了在夜市卖气球的安哥,希望你能给他鼓励和支持,或是任何一个你知道正在拼老命帮忙浪浪的爱爸爱妈,他们真的需要大家的援手 #领养结扎不弃养 Uncle 有面书~ Vincent Lok
#图一是我们教他比新版的爱心手势可是安哥坚持摆他的款式 😁
This cute Uncle Vincent is an independent rescuer in KL. He is a OKU with left-eye visually impaired. He needs to take crutch as he has difficulty in walking.
However, he sells balloons at the night market and insists on daily feeding and rescue stray dogs with meager income.
Almost every year, he will come to Pet World event and look for us. Every time when he talk about the street strays and his own life difficulties, there’re tears in his eyes.
After the little improvement of HOPE financial status, started from last year we decided to provide some dog food to Uncle Vincent to feed the strays. We will also try to help him with neutering subsidy lately.
At present, we are helping in total of 5 active independent rescuer uncle and aunty with poor financial ability (4 in JB, 1 in KL). Uncle Vincent is one of them. Because helping them is also helping the strays.
KL’s friends, if you meet Uncle Vincent, who sells balloons at night market, we hope you can give him encouragement and support, or any one you knows who are working hard to help the strays, they really need everyone’s helping hand.
/Uncle has FB page ~ Vincent Lok
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/233..
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