Shop & Help Homeless Animals

Eng Version Below. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. P..


(Eng version below)

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri ❤

祝大家假期愉快 ~

假期我们依旧在陪着毛小孩们,比较少po园区的猫猫,但其实每天花在照顾它们的时间上,真的也不会比狗狗的少 🐱


#点开照片认识一下它们 💕

比起家里傲娇的猫主子,你会惊讶园区的猫咪们怎么这么乖 … 他们很少打架,对新朋友的包容度也大,多数都亲密的挨着一起生活,但也让我们心疼,它们也知道生活情况不容许骄纵 😢

园区一直都有在救助街头的流浪猫咪,想养猫的朋友,希望你进来看看它们好吗,把和你有缘的它领养回家 🙏🙏

这些孩子们虽然没有一个真正的家,但我们要它们和有家的孩子一样幸福 🙆

玩具、零食、罐头、猫粮、猫砂、定期去除跳蚤和美容,这些都不会少 … 除了很多是我们的猫咪义工自掏腰包买进去之外,大家也努力募款和找赞助商,希望给它们更好的生活



喵喵爱你们 three thousand❤😊

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每月开销十七万,帮助HOPE大家庭运作下去 🙏 (捐款可扣税)

Maybank 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai

国际PAYPAL捐款 – payment@hopejb.org

或 成为HOPE每月希望助养人


或 信用卡捐款


或 游览HOPE义卖商铺购买小商品,盈利都将帮助毛小孩 🙏



We are with the shelter furkids even it is a holiday break now. Seldom post about our shelter cats, but the time we spent in taking care of them everyday, is actually almost the same with the doggies 🐱

We have over 100+ rescued cats, click into the photos to view their life in shelter 💕

Compare with the pampered and spoiled cats at home, our rescued cats are way too obedient and well behaved … they seldom fight and tolerate with the newcoming cats, always stick closely with each other, but this makes us feel sad, as if they know the life condition does not allow them to be naughty or arrogant

We keep on helping the homeless cats at street, friends who would love to keep a cat, please give them a chance and adopt them ❤🙏

Although they don’t have a real home, but we wish they can as blissful as a house cat

Our cat volunteers always use their own money to buy them toys, snacks, canned food, cat kibbles, cat litters, monthly defleas, grooming and etc.. and we try best to get funds or sponsors to improve their shelter life.

*Except sick and old cats who need canned food, every week we will feed all the cats canned food meal to check with their health condition*

*Any kind item donations to the adorable kitties are most welcomed*

🐱 Love you three thousand ❤

#hopecats #rescuedcats #cats #AnimalShelter #希望护生园 #HopeJb

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With monthly expenses of 170K…please help with the running of HOPE shelter🙏 (Donation is tax deductible)

Maybank Account No.: 5012-0808-5710

Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai

Our Paypal Account (for International Donations): payment@hopejb.org

Or Follow the link below to be our monthly sponsor:


Or Donate using Credit Card:


Or Visit our FB Charity Sales Shop, all the sales profit goes to homeless animals:🙏


Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/229..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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