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Sos Ibu Susuan Diperlukan. Lokasi Skudai, Johor. H..


SOS!! Ibu susuan diperlukan!!

Lokasi : Skudai, Johor

Hubungi : +6582724405 ( Whatsapp) – Thamayanthy

4 ekor anak kucing ini telah dijumpai oleh Thamayanthy di dalam longkang dan diselamatkan oleh pihak Bomba. Thamayanthy tidak dapat menjaga kittens ini atas sebab tertentu. Ibu susuan atau pun fosterer diperlukan untuk menjaga kittens ini.

Jika anda tidak mempunyai ibu susuan atau pun tidak dapat menjaga kittens ini, bantu untuk sebarkan perihal mereka!

Terima kasih!

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ktaj0311/photos/a.856939730987403/2..




SCRATCH's main mission is to rescue stray, abandoned, and abused cats and to find as many of them as possible new homes with loving owners once they have been treated/nursed back to health and spayed/neutered (aka speutered).

We realize that we cannot always be successful in finding homes for all of the cats that need one, so an associated goal is to minimize the stray cat population by capturing, speutering, releasing and managing those that we cannot find homes for.

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