Ispca Together With A Group Of Volunteers From Uta..
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ISPCA together with a group of volunteers from UTAR has paid a visit to a cattery (shelter) located beside a beach in Penang. There are 2 catteries, namely NaNa Cattery and Cat Beach and there’s a total of 400 cats. Like most of the shelters, they are having insufficient funds to operate their shelters.
Volunteers together helped to clean the place and ISPCA donated 40kg of cat food, to temporary solve their food shortage problem.
ISPCA 和一班來自 UTAR 的学生义工,拜访位于槟城的海滩猫舍,这个美丽的沙滩上共有 2 个猫舍,大约有 400 只猫咪分别在 NaNa cattery 和 Cat Beach 饲养着,经费和粮食总是这里的管理员每天都一直重复烦恼着的大问题。
今天学生义工们帮忙清理猫舍,及 ISPCA 也捐助 40kg 猫糧,为小猫咪们提供温饱的一餐。
Special thanks to:
PET at Home
KuCinta Cat Food
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