Ispca Was Notified By Ipoh City Council Mbi Regard..
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ISPCA was notified by Ipoh City Council (MBI) regarding an operation to capture strays in a shop house at Bercham. There were multiple complaints by residents nearby that there are a lot of stray dogs within.
When we (ISPCA) reached, officers of the operation were seen placing the strays inside cages. Together with a few officers from the health department, we managed to get some clarification regarding the operation.
Here is what happens:
1) Strays in the house are mainly neutered and are kept there by volunteers. Even though the environment is clean but but still there were complaints on the odor.
2) Due to the amount of complaints received by MBI, and also numerous warning letters that have been issued to the volunteers but without any reply, thus, the operation to capture and to release all these strays to landfill was conducted.
ISPCA contacted the volunteers responsible and helped to negotiate with the authorities.
1) to immediately stop using this shop house as shelter for strays and to find a proper place for it (building in industrial area)
2) ISPCA promised to temporary keep these strays until an appropriate place is found.
3) Health department of Ipoh also compromises on this. As long as ISPCA agreed to work with this group of volunteers, city council will assist and consider in the approval of shelter permit, with condition that cleanliness is the utmost priority.
4) The officer from MBI informed to the volunteers that as long as strays are neutered under TNRM program, they can be released back to original location and to be fed by volunteers or nearby residents.
Lastly and to conclude, MBI agreed to give an opportunity to the volunteers to settle this issue, by temporarily keeping the strays in ISPCA shelter while looking for an appropriate place to keep them.
Currently the dogs have already been sent to ISPCA Shelter.
我们ISPCA 赶到现场时,执法人员已经开始把狗狗捉到笼子里,我们也和几位卫生部的官员向其中一位陈姓负责人了解情况。
1) 这间店屋内由多位浪浪义工收留约二十多只流浪狗(大都已结扎)。
2) 市议会己经接获多个来自居民的投诉,也向义工发出多封警告信,由于义工一直没有回复和无法改善环境问题,今天多个部门(约40多位执法人员)采取行动,把狗狗捉走,直接送到垃圾场。
ISPCA 也马上联系上这收容所其他几位负责人,并表代他们和市政厅执法单位协调。
1) 马上停止使用这家店屋做为浪浪收容所,必须重新物色一个地方(如:工业区建筑物)合适做为收容所。
2) ISPCA 答应帮这帮义工收容这些狗狗,直至找到合适的地方。
3) 市议会卫生部也答应,只要 ISPCA 和义工合作,他们也愿意(配合)批准收容所执照,但必须符合卫生条件。
4) 执法组长官也向义工们再次表示,只要依足 TNRM 方式结育流浪狗,是可以把浪浪回放原地喂养。
最后,市政厅各部门官员都给义工们一次机会,把狗狗送到 ISPCA 庇护所暂时收养,再给时间义工找个合适的地方安置牠们,执法组(打狗队)全体队员帮忙一只只狗狗安置在庇护所的笼房后,也和义工们一张大合照。
Notes / 特注 :
1) We hope that public/volunteers can support our TNRM program more.
2) Please like our Facebook to understand more about TNRM program.
1) 怡保打狗队也有人情味的一天。😅
2) 希望更多浪浪义工支持 TNRM 计划。
3) like 我们的面书,可以了解关于更多 TNRM 的资询。
We hope that you can give them a new and nice home.
详细可联络我们 / Details can contact us :
ISPCA hopes that more volunteers can help out.
Donation to ISPCA is Tax Exempted / 捐款于ISPCA是可免税
Public Bank ~ 3060433821
cheques must be issued to / 支票请注名 :
” the ipoh society for the prevention of cruelty to animals”
“Your Generosity Eases Their Hunger”
#ISPCA #TNR #小浪的乌托邦 #UtopiaOfStrays
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