Eng Version Below. Royal Pets Paradise. Rpp. Seren..
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特别感激来自新加玻的 Royal Pets Paradise 美容团队 🙏🙏 昨天他们特地关店一天,漂洋过海来帮毛毛们义务剃毛、剪指甲和洗澡
一行八人进行马拉松式接近四小时的美容,真的太强了啦! 超有热忱和爱心,辛苦他们了感恩 🙏 狗狗们马上凉爽多了 💕
Serene Sng SGD 500
Mark SGD 200
Melissa Chua SGD 100
园区的工友们都会固定为狗狗们剃毛和剪指甲,但数量实在太庞大了,有时真的做不及 … (剃毛和剪指甲都非常重要,避免有皮肤病或指甲过长而插进肉里弄伤毛孩)
愿意来做义工、帮浪浪的宠物美容师们,请让我们知道,我们真的会很感激你们 🙏
Utmost gratitude to the grooming team from Singapore Royal Pets Paradise! They closed the shop for one day and came all the way from Singapore to help grooming our rescued dogs voluntarily, thank you 💕 They groomed real fast and as if it was a dog grooming marathon for nearly 4hrs 😁
BIG THANK YOU also to customers of RPP who have donated pet items/donation to the furries 🙏
Serene Sng SGD 500
Mark SGD 200
Melissa Chua SGD 100
Although our workers help doggies to do grooming and nail cutting regularly, but sometimes it’s really hard to cope with as the amount of dogs are enormous…
it would be much appreciated if any pet grooming team who are willing to come in volunteering, pm us 💕😊
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/220..
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