Eng Version Below. Kl Dr.khor. 29 15. Neutering Ca..
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剩余的六只浪浪昨晚也完成结扎手术了 👏👏❤ (五只母一只公,如果没有结扎不知道又要繁衍出多少只 … 😫
特别感激KL区兽医 Dr.Khor 和他的团队,昨晚放工后赶上最后一艘船进岛结扎,今天一早又出岛赶回诊所工作,真的不简单,辛苦了! 🙏🙏
此次活动共为 29 只狗狗 + 15只猫猫节育
今天另一组义工进岛轮班照顾,浪浪们其实都很乖,能感应到我们不会伤害它们,安稳的在笼子里休养 (一些不讨厌绳子的还能牵去散步) 伤口也都密合了,健康良好 ❤ 最迟下星期二将原放完
Neutering Campaign at Sg Lima, Pulau Ketam
The rest of the 6 strays caught had been neutered last night 👏 (five female and one male, can’t imagine how many they’re going to breed if they don’t get neutered..
Utmost gratitude to Dr.Khor and his team from KL, they rushed in to the island yesterday night after work to neuter, and left this early morning to get back to work. Kudos to the team!
29 dogs and 15 cats in total get neutered in this campaign.
Today the other team of volunteers getting in to take turn taking care of the furpatients. The stray furkids know that we are not going to hurt them and most of the time they just rest peacefully in the cage. (Can even bring some of them to have walk) Their wound is healing well and latest by next tues will all be released back.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.577445702301639/222..
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