
Decision For Vincent (we Need Your Kind Thoughts, Please)


I spoke with the vet about the tooth extraction. To cut a long story short, we are going for it tomorrow.

Initially the vet didn’t think it should be done because the reality is that Vincent doesn’t have much time left.  But to me, it doesn’t matter how much time he has left, I don’t want him to be in pain for the rest of his (however short) time.

If we don’t do it, he will continue to be in pain and he will starve to death.  As it is now, Ming-Yi came to visit and said from Saturday (her last visit) until today, Vincent has lost so, so much weight. We cannot let this go on.

With the surgery, there is a 50% chance of some comfort and positive outcome. Without the surgery, it is certain starvation.

So, we are taking that chance tomorrow, knowing full well that it is 50-50. It’s the general anaesthesia that is worrying. That is the only worry.

The vet says since Vincent is going to be on general anaesthesia, she might as well insert the esophagal feeding tube. This is NOT a nasogastric tube and according to her, most cats are not bothered by this tube. It is inserted at the back of the neck into the esophagus, not to the stomach. I’ve read up on it and it is more comfortable than the nasogastric tube. He would need to be fed after the surgery as surely he won’t be able to eat orally yet. The esophagal tube will come in very handy for this purpose.

I’ve told Vincent that we are going for the tooth extraction tomorrow. He’s been fighting so hard all these months and his spirit is still very strong.

I’m not letting you starve, Vincent.

We will do our best to fix this, as best we can.

The vet said to have a blood donor on standby. Our youngest cat is Ginger, but he is already 8 years old now. The vet offered her resident cat. I’m so, so thankful for this. Hopefully the blood matches.

I would like to thank all friends and FB supporters for your kind support and encouragement. Please know it helps so much.

I had wanted to get the surgery done today, actually, but I was mulling over it and I didn’t know enough about the risks and benefits. Now that I am clearer about it, we have decided to go for it.

Vincent, we’ll fight all the way.

Dear friends, please think positive thoughts for Vincent tomorrow. I will be at the clinic, so there will be no updates until I return home. We will be there in the morning as Vincent needs to be on drips for a few hours before the surgery. The surgery will most likely be done in the afternoon.

Thank you.

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2019/03/13/decision-for-vincent-we-..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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