Ispca Mbi Tnr. You Can Choose Not To Believe In Is..
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[ 你可以不要相信 ISPCA 和 MBI 的TNR 计划。]
[You can choose not to believe in ISPCA, MBI, and TNR program]
最近几天,全马各地都传出市政厅扑杀流浪狗,怡保也一样,但(只限怡保区)有红颈帶 印有 ISPCA TNR 的流浪狗有多一个生存的机会。
我在多年前就一直看到很多义工结育的流浪狗被市政厅照捉,于是一直想尽办法推行 TNR 计划,总算有了一丝曙光 (图3),但是却在发生一,两次意外马上被一些人在鸡蛋里挑骨头,但他们却沒想到己经有了(超过)一千五百多只TNR 狗狗是安全的。
News have been spreading around the country regarding the government capturing and killing stray dogs. However here in Ipoh, strays wearing a red collar with the ISPCA TNR logo imprinted on it will have a chance to survive the purge.
I noticed that neutered strays were captured like regular strays by the town council, so I fought hard to make TNR program come true, and finally it did (Pic 3). Eventually a few incidents happened, and bad rumors spread around, but what they don’t know is that more than 1500 dogs who were involved in the TNR program are safe and sound.
图1) 有一只红颈帶( TNRM) 的狗狗被捉后,流放到甲板垃圾垃圾场。为此事,ISPCA 管理员向这只狗狗的义工说声”对不起”。如有机会,执法组员会把牠捉回去。
Pic 1) A stray dog with the red collar (TNRM) was captured and released to a garbage disposal area. Hereby the ISPCA Committee would like to apologise to the volunteer responsible of the stray’s safety. We will try to capture it back when we have the chance.
图2) 当天我也向执法部官员了解,他也为此向我们和狗狗义工道歉,这也是他们一时大意,信息中他也提到 ISPCA TNR 计划依然有效。他后来也向我保证,尽量会配合。
Pic 2) I have come to an understanding with the officer, they apologised to us and the volunteers as this was caused by their mistake. In the message he also mentioned that ISPCA TNR is still active and ongoing. He came back a few moments later, promising to us that he will do his best to coorperate with us.
图3) 去年9月份,由市政厅执法单位发出的 Surat sokongan 支持 ISPCA 的 TNR M 计划,以代替补刹流浪动物,市政厅也希望更多市民节育流浪动物,因为他们明白这是唯一有效果控制流浪动物的方法。
Pic 3) Last September, a surat sokongan was sent from town council supporting ISPCA TNR program in order to replace killing by neutering. The town council hopes that more citizens can understand the importance of neutering strays, as this is the only way to efficiently control the number of strays.
图4,5) 有时太多市民投诉,执法部也会把红颈帶 TNR 狗狗捉回 MBI ,在確认身上晶片后,他们会再回放(原来地点)付近一帶。
Pic 4 and 5) Sometimes there are too many complains from citizens, and MBI might accidentally capture strays with the TNR red collar. After confirming the stray’s identity with the microchip inside its body, it will be released back to where it was captured.
图6) 去年在巴占捉了十多只流浪狗,节育后,全数交回义工回放,除了一只手术中死亡。
Pic 6) last year, more than 10 strays were captured in Bercham. They were released back by the volunteers after neutering, except for one, which died in the operation.
图7) 其实怡保市政厅执法队员也有合作的一部份,他们也有协商的空间。
Pic 7) The law enforcement team of Ipoh town council is also associating us, they are willing to negotiate with us.
图8) ISPCA 去年开始筹备和兽医大学合作建设一所浪浪医疗所,只为流浪动物结育,回放。已经开始启动筹款,希望能在今年内完成。
Pic 8 ) Last year, ISPCA has started raising funds to build a stray clinic for neutering strays in association with UKM, We hope to reach the estimated fund and finish building by the end of the year.
(注) 我非为了什么原因而在此澄清什么?只是想告诉大家(尤其是) 对我们的TNR 计划有疑问,欢迎私询我本人,或亲自到怡保市政厅执法部(怡保大草场旁)询问明白。
谢谢大家,为了让流浪动物有个生存机会,请为牠们结育,加入 TNRM 计划(如果还相信宋某一番话,从不勉强),有句俗语 : 千里之行始于脚下,而非于嘴巴或键盘上。
(NOTE) Why am I clarifying here? Anyone who have questions and misunderstanding about our TNR program, feel free to drop a message to me, or go to the town council (next to Padang Ipoh) and ask for more details.
Thank you everyone who gave the strays a chance to live. We hope that more strays can join our TNR program so that we can see the results more clearly. If you still choose not to believe us after reading to this point, we won’t force you to believe. You do you. But I hope you can remember this quote: a thousand miles begins with a single step, and not from the keyboard or lips.
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