
以领养代替购买 爱狗人士为流浪狗提供收容所


非常感激 Astro AEC 八点最热报 进入希望护生园采访 ( 点进链接有采访影片🙏

Appreciate very much for the cover of ASTRO AEC. (There’s an interview video in the link)

收容所不是长期解决方法,一切问题都出在人身上。每个人都应该学习如何和流浪动物共处在同个社区 (你有智慧,你可以学)



颜江瀚 Jianghan


Shelter is never a long term solution. The cause of the problem lies with human. Everyone should learn to live with other livings in harmony. (You CAN learn as you have the intelligence)

And control the stray population by adopt, neuter and never abandon. Because the world does not belong to only human beings, all animals have right to stay.

Stop acting like a brutal bandit, and deprive the rights of others to live. STOP your complain to the council, stop the culling, stop abandoning, stop buying pets and stop the illegal breeding.

八点最热报 | 在柔佛北干那那一个大型流浪狗收容所,HOPE希望护生园的基地,是个专门收留流浪狗的地方。而为了拯救这些流浪狗,他们自发性的设立流浪狗收容所,希望能够给它们一个挡风遮雨的家,同时鼓励民众领养这些…..

Source: http://www.hotspot.com.my/newsvideo/96418/1785474/%E4%BB%A5%..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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