Please Don't Allow Our Festive Period To Become Th..
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Please don’t allow our festive period to become their tragedy. (Eng version below)
关爱生命的大家,希望您 …. 节庆尽可能不放炮,看紧家中宠物,也帮手照料流浪毛孩。
每年新年期间上街喂浪浪,街道晚上肯定是空的。 大家都被炮声吓死了。有些不知所踪,有些只敢躲在车底 / 水沟里严重发抖,几天都不敢出来吃饭。有些太过惊慌,冲出马路意外被撞死 … 你不会知道当下我们看到有多无奈和心痛。
我們眼前绽放的烟花 / 响炮很漂亮沒錯,但对动物来说,却像身在世界大战里的炮火中 ( 它们的听力是人类的几十倍 !
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Put yourselves in the shoes of others and think from their perspectives. For everyone of us that value life, let us put some good habits into practice. Chinese New Year is coming! Avoid setting off fire crackers or fireworks during festive seasons! Keep an eye on your family pets as well as help to look after those stray children.
During every CNY festive period each year, the streets are always empty when we are looking for strays to feed.
They are all frightened to death by the loud noise generated from the fire crackers. Some vanish without a trace while others can only tremble in fear underneath cars, drains and other such hiding spots.
It can be days before they emerge to feed. In severe cases of panic, some dogs and cats may rush out onto the roads only to be crushed under the wheels of cars. Nobody else understands the sense of helplessness and heartbreak that we feel in those circumstances.
The fireworks and crackers that we set off may seem brilliant to us. But for these animals that have a much keener sense of hearing than humans, it may seem as though they are trapped in a war zone!
Not only are casualties on the roads increasing, erratic behaviour in unhealthy family pets also increase resulting in higher rates of lost pets. It’s always best to keep your pet indoor to secure their safety.
During the CNY festive period, many food centres and stalls are closed making it even harder for strays to find food. Please help to feed them whenever possible to help them tide over this difficult period.
Help to share this and let us care more about our environment and the lives of those that share it with us.
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