Eng Version Below. Majlis Perbandaran Dewan Bandar..
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时常收到很多朋友私讯,问应该去哪里赎回被抓走的狗 (尤其太平狂犬疫区的狗狗,更是杀的猖狂,一去永不回😭…)
如不幸被抓,请马上联络你地区所属的市政局 (Majlis Perbandaran / Dewan Bandaraya / Majlis Bandaraya / Majlis Daerah),询问狗狗的去向并赎回
不一样的市政局捕狗队有不一样的处理方式 :
一些被关7天后如无主人赎回将被处死、一些流放森林或偏僻地区、一些当天处死 …
跪求非爱毛人士高抬贵手停止举报。没有结扎的浪浪和自家宠物,是问题的源头,真的很希望更多人领养、结扎、不弃养! 🙏🙏🙏
The dog-catching team aggressively catching and culling dogs all over the country.
We often receive private messages and ask where to redeem the dogs that have been taken away by the dog-catching team (especially the dogs in the Taiping rabies epidemic area, the killing is more aggressive than ever, once they gone they’ll be gone forever..)
NEVER ALLOW YOUR DOG FREE ROAMING around the neighborhood and NEVER UNLEASH THEM (This is a very simple act, dear owners please do not be lazy, the leash is equal to their life)
In Malaysia, even a dog with a license tag taking a walk without owner, it will still be caught if it is unfortunately spotted by the dog catching team. (Even if the owner is watching, but if there is no leash, the dog-catching team will still catch or shoot)
If your furkids were caught unfortunately , please contact the municipal council of your district (Majlis Perbandaran / Dewan Bandaraya / Majlis Bandaraya / Majlis Daerah) to ask for the dog’s whereabouts.
Different municipal council have different handling methods: Put to sleep after being held for 7 days without anybody redeeming them, some will be exiled in forests or remote areas, and some will be put to sleep on the spot/on the day itself..
We are pleadging those of you who don’t like these furry kids, to stop reporting. The street furry kids and domestic pets that are not neutered are the source of all these problems. We really hope that more people choose to ADOPT, NEUTER and NEVER ABANDON.
(Photo taken from Internet)
Source: https://www.facebook.com/hopejb/photos/a.1260895383956664/21..
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