Updates On 4th Jan 2019
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Life has many obstacles to overcome, but losing my sight did not stop me from enjoying all that life has to offer. My name is Smokey and I am hoping that you can see past my disability and offer me the home I have been dreaming of.
Although I am an older boy, I enjoy doing most things the younger dogs do. Walking, playing and cuddling are just a few of my favourite things. I love when the volunteers come to visit me and spend time pampering me. They shower me with love and affection, which is the best part of my day. When I go for walks I love to explore new places, smelling new smells and listening to new sounds. Since I am a confident guy, I have no problem visiting unfamiliar places.
Prior to living at Soi Dog, I was a street dog struggling to survive. I was suffering from injuries after being struck by a motor vehicle as well as suffering from a severe eye infection that caused my blindness. Instead of dwelling on the past, I make sure to believe in the future!
Many people think adopting a blind dog means they must have prior experience with blind dogs. Well let me tell you, that is not true! As long as you are willing to care for me and support me, we will learn how to get through new obstacles together. I am very perceptive and use my other senses to map out my surroundings. All I need from you is unconditional love. Can you give me just that? I promise to reciprocate the love and repay you in unforgettable memories you can cherish forever.
Please start by clicking the link: https://www.soidog.org/adopt/smokey-510
It doesn’t take long to start our life together.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/SoiDogPageInEnglish/photos/a.137025..
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