
Analysis Warns Of Lack Of Progress On 2020 Global ..


The bad:

“Removing coal from the global energy mix is taking too long, too many forests are still being destroyed, and fossil fuel subsidies are ongoing despite their distorting effect on the market, a study has found.

There has also been insufficient progress in agriculture to stop harmful practices that increase carbon dioxide production, and heavy industry is not doing enough to use energy more efficiently, according to analysis carried out by the World Resources Institute thinktank.

Without progress on all these fronts, the world is unlikely to see global greenhouse gas emissions peak in 2020, which is likely to be necessary to stay within the 1.5C or 2C warming thresholds that scientists have identified as key to the future safety of the planet.”

The good:

“The proportion of the world’s electricity supply made up of renewable energy rose to 25% in 2017 and could hit 30% by 2020 if current trends accelerate…

“In 2017 there were more than 3m electric vehicles in circulation globally – an eightfold increase since 2013″”


Thinktank says not enough is being done to cut coal burning and end fossil fuel subsidies

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jan/22/analysis..


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