解决问题增收入? 巫统议员建议 野狗运韩狗肉市场|中國報
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Is there retrogression in humanitarian thoughts and position? How can there be such cruel thoughts from our State Assemblyman? (English version below)
During the State Legislative Assembly this morning, State Assemblyman of Tanjung Surat District, Datuk Syed Sis from Umno made a surprising yet scary statement today. He suggested that the state government should capture all the stray dogs and export them to the Korea’s local dog meat market as one of the national incomes! 😥😥
The Korean government’s awareness on animal welfare is rising. Just only last week, the country’s largest dog slaughter factory was closed down by the Korean government. Yet our state councilor would like to offer this “timely assistant” in helping to fill in the dog meat market’s supply, making Malaysia a “wholesaler” for dog meat. Fortunately, this cruel proposal was rejected by the Gan Peck Cheng, deputy speaker of the Johor state legislative assembly. Thanks to the deputy speaker Gan Peck Cheng voicing out for the stray animals! 🙏🙏
Is Malaysia now poor to the extent, desperately needing to use the “dog meat business” to make a profit? The whole world is now in a stalemate that prohibits the sale of the dog meat market. Does this state legislator want to make Malaysia’s international status stained?😡😡😡
There are tons of better and more efficient ways in controlling the stray animal population, yet our government has already wasted countless time and money in encountering this issue for the past many years with the ineffective and incorrect method. Why not follow other countries footstep, shifting the cost of stray animal culling to the implementation of TNRM, neutering and education, and cooperating with all NGO shelters? In less than a decade after the implementation of TNRM in Bhutan, Bhutan no longer needs shelters to balance out the number of stray animals, and the communities live in harmony with the animals.
We need State Assemblymen who are willing to face problems and propose effective and logical solutions, only then can we improve to a more advance and civilized society.
【柔州议会】 (振林山3日讯)巫统丹绒苏腊区州议员拿督赛西斯建议州政府,把野狗集中输出韩国,供应韩国当地狗肉市场,一来可增加国家收入,二来可解决野狗扰民问题。
Source: http://johor.chinapress.com.my/?p=602883
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