Dr. Jane Goodall's Most Inspiring Quotes From 2018
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“With the Oxford Word of the Year 2018 being toxic, and its use to reflect the passing year as a whole, one can’t help but to feel hopeless. But in times of hopelessness, Dr. Jane Goodall uses her voice and words to ignite a specific goal or plan of action, which is what we all need to direct our focus in the next year! With that being said, we’ve gathered some of our favorite Jane quotes from 2018 to lead us into a more hopeful 2019 to help make the Oxford Word of the Year 2019 “Hope”!”
With the Oxford Word of the Year 2018 being toxic, and its use to reflect the passing year as a whole, one can’t help but to feel hopeless. But in times of hopelessness, Dr. Jane Goodall uses her voice and words to ignite a specific goal or plan of action, which is what we allRead More
Source: http://news.janegoodall.org/2018/12/20/6749/
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