
Breakfast Time!!


Today’s fare (from left): Mercola’s Probiotics (if possible to sneak some into Vincent’s food), Cubgrub’s Duck (his favourite Cubgrub flavour), Cubgrub Chicken (as contingency), rehydrated Primal Turkey and Primal Chicken & Salmon, Coco&Joe’s Turkey Recipe, leftovers from last night (a bit of Gold-D mixed with some Coco&Joe’s).

Let’s see what Vincent wants this morning.

We started with Primal (no, I did not sneak in the probiotics today, didn’t want to risk it), then Cubgrub’s Duck (oh wow….he hadn’t eaten for sometime, so he ate quite a bit) and ended with Coco&Joe’s Turkey Recipe. He did not finish the Duck, though, and after that he hung around (which means he wants something else which I hadn’t covered), so I gave him Cubgrub’s Chicken and he ate that as well.

So, Vincent had chicken, duck and turkey for breakfast. Talk about protein rotation within one meal!

So yes, it’s a good start to the day!

We didn’t need Cindy’s Chicken today. Normally, we need that to start it off. I think that’s still his favourite food.  Plus, he likes my homecooked too (yay!).

By the way, this is Heidi and Primal is the only raw food she would eat. She doesn’t eat Cubgrub or Coco&Joe’s. Heidi likes Cindy’s and homecooked too. So, to each his/her own. Heidi doesn’t seem to like “raw-raw”.

If we forget to cover the wok, there she would be!

This is the rehydrated Primal. Normally I do it on the spot (fresh), but this was done last night. The packet instructions say not to keep it (refrigerated) for more than 3 days. If I do it, I only keep it for about half a day.

Vincent looked much better since I started him on Primal (maybe it’s because he was fed-up of the “older” foods and welcomed a change). Also, if he eats Primal, I noticed that he didn’t need to eat so often. Maybe I control the water content and it has less water than “raw-raw” and so it has more “meat”, percentage wise?

Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2018/11/02/breakfast-time-3/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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