'rafiki' Has Had A Fever For Past Few Days That Wa..
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‘Rafiki’ has had a fever for past few days that wasn’t responding to medications. We had to hospitalize him and put him on intravenous fluids and commence aggressive supportive care to nurse him through his viral infection. He is the fur baby of one of our vet nurses and she’s been worrying about him immensely. Thankfully he’s finally responding to treatment. He is usually very timid with strangers and I feel privileged to have won his beautiful heart over. Please wish him a speedy recovery. 💗💗💗 #vetnursepet #felinecalici #felinevirus #felinepyrexia #vethospitalisation #vetsmittenwithpatient
Source: https://www.facebook.com/rayyathevet/photos/a.14512182556852..
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