Tiger And Vincents Challenges
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Tiger has epilepsy and is FIV+. Vincent has stomatitis. Both are life-long challenges.
Recently, Vincent wasn’t feeling too well. He lost his confidence and would only eat one meal per day, ie. breakfast only. Luckily, he ate a lot and his breakfast was enough to last him a whole day. At other times, he seemed very frightened.
We decided to set up a “recovery room” for Vincent at the patio where, hopefully, he would feel safe. So we opened up the cage and kept him inside for a few hours. Initially he wasn’t happy and tried to scratch his way out, but soon, he got used to it.
After about 3 hours, we opened the cage door and he didn’t want to come out anymore.
Vincent spent many days inside his recovery room and seemed happy. But he still only ate once a day. He would come out to do his business and would quickly go back into the cage. The cage door was always open, but he seemed happy inside.
Soon, after many days, he started to come out more often. And after many more days, he started eating more than once a day.
Now, he eats about three times a day and seems more confident.
No more going into the recovery room now.
Vincent’s “recovery room”.
Ginger took the upstairs.
If you remember, Tiger had another bite wound to contend with. This time, I was hoping the antibiotic, Clavamox, might do the miracle-trick again, ie. stop the seizures. Unfortunately, it did not work this time. During the two weeks, the seizures happened as usual, at the rate of 1-3 times daily. As per the vet’s advice, Tiger was on Clavomox as well as his seizure medicine (Prochlorperazine).
The last time, I stopped the Prochlor while he was on Clavomox and miraculously, the seizures also stopped. But this time, the vet told me to continue, so I heeded his advice. The seizures continued as well until the last 3 days, when I decided to stop the Prochlor. The seizures reduced to once in three days. Maybe it’s some interaction between the two medicines?
Yesterday, he finished his antibiotics so now, it’s just wait-and-see and playing it by ear. Little is known about Tiger’s condition, which we think is hyperesthesia.
His wound was healing well, until he threw a few violent fits and bit the same spot repeatedly, so the wound became raw again.
Hopefully it will heal soon. The Biosilver spray seems to work well this time.
Good to see Vincent and Tiger eating.
If Tiger doesn’t get into the licking and biting frenzy, he seems fine and quite happy. There were a few days where the seizures were a bit violent and Tiger went back into his TV rack. After he felt better, he came out again.
As with all cats (or all animals, for that matter), they accept whatever condition they are in and live with it.
I think it might be wise for us to accept this too and not interfere too much with Nature.
Source: https://myanimalcare.org/2017/11/28/tiger-and-vincents-chall..
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